Every time I see a hungry dog or pup, staring at me hopefully and with beseeching eyes, the most terrible feeling overcomes me - that of helplessness, of inadequacy. I am already feeding several dogs in our locality - braving the hostility of the neighbours, going against the tide. . . But I wish with my whole heart that I could feed some more. I wish I could create a world for the dogs, amidst humans. A world where love and food abound, where man's fears and hatred are permanantly vanquished, where dogs feel safe and wanted. . .
But going by the recent callous judgement passed by the Bomaby highcourt, this dream seems farther than a dream. I can't imagine how anyone can treat a being's life, so lightly. By passing a death statement for dogs who are considered as a 'nuisance', the judges have revealed their inadequacy at handling a delicate matter, as well as their immaturity regarding a life and death issue. By using a common place word 'nuisance', they have given the animal haters access to a magic wand. And further more, giving the corrupt and uneducated civic officials the authority to decide on whether to kill the dogs, is almost ridiculous. How can anyone, leave alone respectable judges, be so irresponsible? Those poor dogs. . .
But going by the recent callous judgement passed by the Bomaby highcourt, this dream seems farther than a dream. I can't imagine how anyone can treat a being's life, so lightly. By passing a death statement for dogs who are considered as a 'nuisance', the judges have revealed their inadequacy at handling a delicate matter, as well as their immaturity regarding a life and death issue. By using a common place word 'nuisance', they have given the animal haters access to a magic wand. And further more, giving the corrupt and uneducated civic officials the authority to decide on whether to kill the dogs, is almost ridiculous. How can anyone, leave alone respectable judges, be so irresponsible? Those poor dogs. . .